Seglingar inställda

Alla seglingar är inställda i morgon

Ändring av starttid i morgon

Vi ändrar starttiden i morgon till 13.00


I morgon ändrar vi banområde till södra området

Tillägg till seglingsföreskriftern

Due to the requirements of the GDPR, each sailor must approve that his or her personal data is processed in a digital register both internally and publicly. Registration for the regatta is made via the Sailarena registration system through the following three steps.

Ändring av seglingsföreskrifterna

Due to the requirements of the GDPR, each sailor must approve that his or her personal data is processed in a digital register both internally and publicly. Registration for the regatta is made via the Sailarena registration system through the following three steps.


Due to the requirements of the GDPR, each sailor must approve that his or her personal data is processed in a digital register both internally and publicly. Registration for the regatta is made via the Sailarena registration system through the following three steps.

Protestförhandling kl 22.00